General information

Welcome to Apeldoorn. Here you can find general information on organizations that can assist and guide you upon your arrival in the Netherlands, as well as information on, among other things, transportation, translation and finances.

  • Registration

    Refugees do not have to apply for asylum directly or go to Ter Apel, but are covered by special rules, see: temporary protection.

    You must, however, register directly with the municipality of the gemeente Apeldoorn.


  • Other important matters
    • You can access basic medical care, such as a visit to the family doctor, free of charge. You do not need insurance for this, see Healthcare.
    • Refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work, see Work & Income.
    • Many banks allow refugees from Ukraine to open a bank account.
    • Several telecom companies do not charge for calling and texting to Ukraine, see Mobile & Internet.
  • Belangrijke (Apeldoornse) organisaties
    • IND (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst)
      The IND assesses all applications from people that want to live in the Netherlands or want to become Dutch citizens.
    • VluchtelingenWerk
      The Dutch Council for Refugees supports refugees and asylum seekers from the moment of their arrival in the Netherlands until they have found their way independently.
    • Oekraïense ambassade in Nederland
      The Ukrainian embassy in the Netherlands is located in The Hague, at Zeestraat 78. The embassy’s responsibilities include providing travel documents, such as passports. The embassy also has a consular department. This department has open visiting hours on every working day from 09.00 to 13.00 hrs. The embassy can be reached via: • Phone: +31-703-62-60-95 & +31-703-60-72-18 (for consular matters) • E-mail:
    • Gemeente Apeldoorn
      Website of the municipality of Apeldoorn with all kind of information for refugees.
  • Living in Apeldoorn
    • Culture in the Netherlands
      The Dutch have a number of characteristics that are called ‘typically Dutch’. This English guide explains some of the habits and characteristics of Dutch culture. And the Iamsterdam website also has a number of typically Dutch features explained. In addition, there are several channels on YouTube, including reactions of expats about Dutch culture. There is a flyer in Ukrainian available with a few tips about Dutch culture.
    • Public Holidays
      In the Netherlands, there are annual public holidays on which many shops and (government) institutions are closed. However, the law does not state that everyone has the day off, so if you have a job, you may have to work anyway. Check with your employer. Click on this link for a list of the public holidays in the Netherlands in 2022.
    • Disposal of waste in the Netherlands
      In the Netherlands, waste is separated. There are glass, plastic, paper, residual and vegetable, fruit and garden (gft) waste bins. On the website of Circulus Berkel you can find which type of waste goed in which bin.

      The plastic, paper and biodegradable waste bins are placed outside the house. The glass and residual waste bins are often underground and are located in central locations in the neighborhood. On the website mentioned above you can find a schedule when which bin is emptied.

  • Pets
    • Animal Police and ambulance
      Do you see an animal in need? And is help necessary? Call the national emergency number 144 immediately.The national number for the animal ambulance is 0900-0245.

      For local help, look at the website of Animalsupport.

    • Help for animals from Ukraine
      Did you and your pet(s) flee from Ukraine to the Netherlands? Help for Animals from Ukraine can help you. For example to find addresses of veterinarians, for vaccinations or (free) medical help and explanation of rules and laws. They also provide you with information about shelter locations where you are allowed to stay with your pet. On the website you can find more information and also an application form for pets at the shelter. For direct contact, call 088-8113333 or email On the website of Hulp voor dieren uit Oekraïne you can find more information and also an application form.
  • Other usefull platforms
    • Ukrainians in the Netherlands Foundation
      The Foundation Ukrainians in the Netherlands provides humanitarian assistance to refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands. For questions, you can call the hotline between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.: +31 10 200-56-61.
    • WelcomeApp
      The Welcome App connects newcomers, locals and organisations with each other. In the free app, you can find activities in your neighbourhood, chat with neighbours or find your way to an education or job. The app also gives you access to an interpreter 24 hours per day to immediately overcome language and cultural barriers.
    • Refugee Friend
      The app Refugee Friend (download for iOS and Android ) brings refugees and so-called helpers together. You can register if you need help and use the map to see which initiatives are offered where and by whom. Currently, the app is only available in English.
    • Telegram channel for refugees
      Through this Telegram channel daily news, tips and information about your stay in the Netherlands are shared.

Laatst bijgewerkt: 14 juli 2022