About the foundation

We collect, coordinate and distribute the help that Apeldoorn entrepreneurs, foundations and private individuals offer. These initiatives can be reported to our foundation in Apeldoorn via this website. We ensure that the goods, services, space or donation reach the aid organizations in Apeldoorn, who deploy them to the people who need it most. Finally, there is an intention to make the platform suitable for bringing Ukrainian guests who are looking for work in touch with companies in Apeldoorn.

Who are we?

As socially involved entrepreneurs from Apeldoorn, we want to join forces with others to help the victims of the appalling situation and the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. We cannot alleviate the suffering of the refugees. What we can do with our joint effort and as a community in Apeldoorn is to receive the refugees warmly and to offer as much support as possible.

Jaap Fluit (secretary)
Dick Braakhekke (treasurer)
Frans Wehkamp (chairman)

Background of this initiative

At the beginning of March, Frans picked up a Ukrainian family from Poland and found them a place to live in Apeldoorn. During his trip he met a club of Amstelveen entrepreneurs who collected a large group of refugees for whom they had arranged accommodation in our country. That made him think: What Amstelveen can do, we can do in Apeldoorn too!

We have set up a foundation: Apeldoorn for Ukraine. The foundation works closely with the municipality of Apeldoorn. We are also in talks with business organizations VNO NCW, MKB Nederland and the Apeldoorn Business Circle. Together we form a collective: Apeldoorn for Ukraine.